Apple today has announced the much awaited international release date, and price plans for both the WiFi and 3G version of iPad. Customers in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and UK can get their iPads officially on Friday, May 28. International Pre-orders for iPad in the above mentioned countries will begin from May 10th.
We already did a complete step by step guide on how to save SHSH blobs (ECID SHSH) files of iPhone OS 3.1.3/3.1.2 and iPad OS 3.2 on Windows using AutoSHSH. But then I received lots feedback via email from users on OS X who couldn't figure out on how to save their iPhone, iPad or iPod touch SHSH files using a Mac.
An Italian blog has got hold of the frame and screen of the upcoming iPhone 4G/HD from reliable sources, and they are calming it to be the real deal. There has been a few leaks in the past related to next iPhone’s screen. But the difference this time is that this one looks identical to the lost iPhone 4, which was recently reviewed and taken apart by Gizmodo.
The iPhone OS 4 Beta 3 has been rolled out to developers and interestingly it resolves lots of bugs over any of the previous Beta releases of OS 4. Apart from the usual bug fixes and API improvements, following features are noticeably new in this release.
The newly released iPhone OS 4 Beta 3 reveals ability to capture video at 1280x720 HD resolution instead of the standard 640x480 VGA res. which most phones of this era can capture video on. The following preset values found in some of the new API improvements in OS 4 suggests that the next iPhone might do HD video recording.
Internet Explorer 9 is shaping out to be quite a significant jump over its current incarnation i.e. Internet Explorer 8. The first platform preview of IE9, which was released back in March at MIX10 had significant performance increase over IE8. The new IE9 Preview 2 has even more improvements. The first platform preview of IE9 scored an impressive 55 out of 100 on Acid3 test. This number has now reached 68.
We have already covered extensive guides/tutorials on jailbreaking iPad with the all-in-one iDevice tool named Spirit which is available on both Windows and Mac. For those of you who don't know, Spirit can jailbreak iPhone OS 3.1.2 and iPhone OS 3.1.3 on iPhone 3G/3GS (including new models), iPod touch 2G/3G (including new models) and iPad on OS 3.2 - untethered.
Apple has been busy lately in safe-guarding the design and innovation of its products by taking legal cover of patent grant policy provided by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. In the recent past, we have seen how Apple filed a legal suit against HTC, for its alleged involvement in infringing 20 iPhone OS patents "related to the iPhone’s user interface, underlying architecture, and hardware”. Apple was also recently granted patent for the "Ornamental design" of the original iPhone which was released back in 2007.
Beta 3 of iPhone OS 4 for developers is now out!, along with an updated version of SDK for iPhone and iPod touch. Only members enrolled in the iPhone Developer Standard or Enterprise Program can access these bits of iPhone OS 4 and SDK by signing into Apple Developer Connection.
AppSync has been updated to bring support for the iPad. For those of you who don't know, AppSync patches MobileInstallation file on iPhone and iPad OS which is needed in order to install .ipa files manually without using iTunes. A new version of AppSync has now been released which is compatible with the latest iPad 3.2 firmware. Make sure you have jailbroken your iPad on firmware 3.2 before following the steps below. Complete step-by-step guide on how to jailbreak your iPad with Spirit can be found here.