The year 2010 started in a big way with major technology events starting from Google’s Android Conference in January where Nexus One was unveiled. International Consumer Electronics Show was the next to follow where devices like HP TM2 and HP Slate were announced. Then came the BIG Apple Tablet event which was held on January 27th where Steve Jobs announced the much hyped iPad.
Sony Ericsson Aspen is the first Windows phone which is powered by the newly released Windows Mobile 6.5.3. Sergey Kuzmin over at Mobile-review has got hold of a pre-release test unit, which he has lovingly demonstrated running WinMo 6.5.3. He has also nicely put it up against various different handsets from Sony Ericsson, Nokia and RIM to give us a good idea on how does it actually size up against different handsets.
It seems like Windows Mobile 6.5.3 is going to drop before the major version 7 release, which is scheduled for late 2010. In Windows Mobile 6.5 API documentation at MSDN (Microsoft Developers Network), WMExperts have found out references been made to Windows Mobile 6.5.3, which indicates a new minor version release over the current version 6.5. The said references can be found in “Developing Widgets” section of Windows Mobile 6.5 documentation.
Two new Windows Mobile 6.5.3 ROMs for HTC HD2 has been released which features the new HTC Sense version 2.5.19222911.0. This version of HTC Sense supports the new Documents Tab and Landscape mode for Sense interface. It is based on ROM version 2.01 for T-Mobile US HTC HD2 which was leaked last week.