We have waited nearly three months in total, and A5 owners have had to sit in envy for nearly four weeks as they watch their A4 device friends enjoy an untethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak, but the wait is nearly over. The release of the Corona A5 jailbreak is close and I can almost taste its liberating goodness.
The long wait is nearly over folks, and that elusive iOS 5 jailbreak for iPad 2 and iPhone 4S users looks to be only a matter of days away.
The iOS community got a belated present two days after Christmas with the release of the untethered jailbreak for all A4 devices running iOS 5.0.1. The release of the jailbreak represented nearly two months of hard work and research by pod2g followed by efficient and swift work from the iPhone Dev and Chronic Dev Teams to package the jailbreak up for public consumption.
We are at a crucial time in the jailbreaking community. I call this the edge of our seats situation where all eyes rest on one person, or one development team waiting for the crucial breakthrough to be made in providing a stable, distributable jailbreak. In October 2010 the communities eyes focused solely on the Chronic Dev Team as they prepared us for the release of the GreenPPois0n tool, then without warning George Hotz (a.k.a. Geohot) pipped them to the post with the last minute release of Limera1n.
Redsn0w, the regularly reliable jailbreaking tool for iPhone and iPod touch users, has just been updated to version 0.9.9b9b, and brings with it a couple of handy finishing touches.
It was only a few days ago when iOS developer and hacker Pod2g showed off his new untethered jailbreak exploit running on iOS 5. At that time, he tested it on a third-gen iPod touch running iOS 5.0 and wasn’t sure if it would also work on the new iOS 5.0.1 as well. But he did promise to test it on iOS 5.0.1 and report back accordingly with results.
Today has been a bit of a happening day for the jailbreaking community. A couple of hours ago, Chronic Dev Team released their Reporter program which sends crash reports to Chronic Dev Team servers (instead of Apple’s) so they can find exploits, and now we’ve received news of yet another jailbreaking tool. It’s called Ac1dSn0w and it jailbreaks iOS 5/iOS 5.0.1 tethered on OS X Snow Leopard and Lion. Check out the step-by-step guide after the jump!
With iOS 5.0.1 having now been made public, attention has swiftly turned to the jailbreak potential. As was the case with iOS 5.0, Sn0wbreeze has been updated to version 2.8b11 to cater for Apple's latest release.
Yesterday, we published a post in which we talked about a Chronic Dev Team member claiming that he had found a bug which would help in untethered jailbreak for iOS 5. Today, the same member has let jailbreaking enthusiasts know that if they wish to jailbreak their iOS device untethered, they should stay away from iOS 5.0.1.
Sn0wbreeze 2.8b10 has just been released to jailbreak iOS 5 and iOS 5.0.1 (Beta 1 and Beta 2) on Windows. While the current version of Redsn0w, version 0.9.9b8 for Windows and Mac, can already jailbreak the above mentioned iOS updates, the added advantage of Sn0wbreeze is that it fixes iBooks crashing issue on devices running jailbroken iOS 5.0.x.