Jailbreak iOS 14 Beta: Cydia Now Runs On It

Looking to jailbreak iOS 14 beta? Well we have good news after Cydia is found to be working fine on it.

Sim Binger, co-developer of the wonderful checkra1n jailbreak, has taken to Twitter to follow up on a tweet posted by Dany Lisiansky. Binger has shared a screenshot of Cydia running on a jailbroken iPhone X running on Apple’s iOS 14 beta 1.

Lisiansky’s earlier tweet essentially confirmed that the team was working on ensuring that the checkm8-based checkra1n jailbreak would offer compatibility with iOS 14 when it was released. That tweet contained an image of the new iOS 14 interface and showed the checkra1n jailbreak and Cydia app icons grouped together in a folder. Now, Binger has taken things a step further in order to drill up excitement by showcasing Cydia running on an iPhone 10,3 on iOS 14 with the words “A little more progress.”

As any avid jailbreaker should know by now, Cydia is the Jay Freeman-created tool that has become the face of jailbreaking over the years. Once jailbroken, Cydia gets installed and is then used as an application, tweak, and extension installation and management tool. Alternatives to Cydia currently exist but whenever you think about a device being jailbroken you instinctively look for the Cydia icon for confirmation.

Additionally, although other package managers exist for jailbroken devices – such as Sileo and Installer – Cydia is the only package manager that gets installed on successful completion of the Checkra1n jailbreak process. There is undoubtedlty a ton of work left to do before an iOS 14 jailbreak would be ready. After all, it really doesn’t make sense to release anything into the public domain until Apple actually releases iOS 14 to the public later this year.

Due to the fact that checkra1n is checkm8-based, which in itself is unpatchable by Apple due to its hardware-based nature – there is a slim possibility that the checkra1n team will actually release an iOS 14 compatibility version ahead of the operating system going into production with the public. Apple is unable to patch or prevent checkra1n from working so the most damage that the company can do is delay jailbreak support for the final release of iOS 14 for a little while by making some internal changes.

As always, we will keep you informed if anymore teasers are posted.

If you are on iOS 13.5.1 or iOS 13.5 and want to jailbreak, check out our video tutorial below for that:

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Want to try iOS 14 beta without developer account? Follow our video tutorial for that below:

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