This YouTube video shows Apple Pencil with iPad Pro vs Surface Pen with Surface Pro 4 being used in slow-mo with the aim to compare response times.
Ever since the launch of the original iPhone and subsequently the iPad, it's been patently obvious that the fruit company feels the touch interface is manageable without the involvement of any kind of stylus. A prominent feature of the PDA, the stylus has been rejuvenated by Samsung (S Pen) along with others, and now it looks as though Apple is also considering an adaptation of the digital wand. Naturally, Apple has tweaked a few things around in order to secure a deal of uniqueness, but published patent filing number 166726 shows Apple is more than willing to break the mold in line with the changing face of the market.
When the iPhone first came out, it was the first ever mainstream device of its kind to be powered by a multi-touch display. Before then, people would use a pen, otherwise known as a Stylus, in order to interact with mobile devices.