After a lengthy period of rumor and speculation, the Google Nexus 5 smartphone, along with Android 4.4 KitKat, is now upon us. The handset itself has been the subject of rave reviews, and while the updated software includes a hatful of useful enhancements, there remains, as ever, one or two nagging issues. Notably, the battery percentage option is still non-existent in stock Android, and although there's now a less-than-perfect workaround for those looking to dig out this almost essential feature hidden within KitKat's chocolatey exterior, we do hope Google plans to properly implement it in the near future.
The LG-manufactured Nexus 5 is now available for immediate purchase and it looks exactly like the speculation had suggested. It features a 2.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and a 1080p 4.95-inch display. And it runs Android 4.4 KitKat, which incidentally was also released alongside the new flagship Google device. The release of Android 4.4 means that developers, mobile enthusiasts and general tinkerers have had a chance to delve into the heart of the operating system in an attempt to extract as much goodness that is humanly possible.
In the grand scheme of Android releases, 4.4 KitKat mightn't be a great deal to write home about, but with the Nexus 5 also a part of the deal, we've reason to be somewhat excited. Today, the official KitKat YouTube channel has been given an update with a new video entitled "magic," and although it doesn't give too much away regarding the software's features, it does serve to whet the appetites of Android users far and wide. Check it out after the break.
Those associated with Google's flagship mobile operating system will by now be very much aware that version 4.4, which has been given the name of the popular (and also very tasty) KitKat treat, will be arriving at some point in the near future. What remains rather less obvious, however, are the specific features Google will be packing therein, and although the rumor mill has suggested it could be released as early as this month alongside the very eagerly awaited Nexus 5, we've nothing concrete to go on. But as the mobile world gets itself in a tizzy regarding these rather significant releases, Gadget Helpline has snagged a rather dated build of Android 4.4, and having dissected it somewhat, has dug up some intriguing features.
Google has just unveiled Android 4.4 KitKat. The naming convention for major Android operating system releases doesn't take a genius to figure out. With each new big release getting a name based on popular sweets, and those names following the alphabet series, the next release after Jelly Bean was believed to be called Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie. Now, after an announcement by Google itself, it's clear that isn't quite accurate.
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