PwnageTool 3.1.4 has been released and is for Mac OS X users only. The following step-by-step tutorial/guide will help you in running fully unlocked and jailbroken iPhone 2G,3G and 3GS with iPhone firmware 3.1.2 using your Windows PC without having to wait for Windows version of PwnageTool or redsn0w.
The following step-by-step tutorial/guide will help you in running fully unlocked and jailbroken iPhone 3GS with iPhone firmware 3.1 on a Windows PC without having to wait for Windows version of PwnageTool or redsn0w.
The iPhone Dev-Team has just released a new version of ultrasn0w which is believed to solve pretty much all the issues that you maybe having with the older version of ultrasn0w. ultrasn0w 0.9 can be used to unlock both iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS and it features the following.
The infamous Dev-Team has finally released the much awaited ultrasn0w 0.8 for iPhone 3GS users which will enable you to unlock your iPhone 3GS so that you can use it with any carrier SIM. Just follow the simple steps below to fully unlock your iPhone 3GS running iPhone OS firmware 3.0.
The Dev-Team has finally released the complete jailbreaking and unlocking solution for iPhone 3GS. The JUST released redsn0w (version 0.8) is now available for all the platforms. This includes Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
George Hotz (aka geo or geohot) has updated purplera1n to make it work on Windows Vista and 7 including support for 64 bit systems. purplera1n is a software tool which can jailbreak the new iPhone 3GS running on firmware version 3.0 to allow it to run apps from Cydia. Follow our guide here to jailbreak your iPhone 3GS with purplera1n.
Dev-Team has just posted a brief teaser video which demonstrates a jailbroken and unlocked iPhone 3GS running on firmware 3.0. Do not update/restore to firmware 3.1 now if you really want to unlock your iPhone 3GS with the upcoming tools as shown in the video.
The infamous iPhone Dev-Team strikes again! They have found an old exploit(24Kpwn) which is still present in the bootrom of iPhone 3GS and can be used to jailbreak and unlock iPhone 3GS. So those of you with the latest Apple hardware wont have to wait for too long before you can jailbreak and unlock iPhone 3GS by using ultrasn0w.