You can now download LibreELEC Kodi 17.4 Krypton 8.1.1 beta. As always, we have all of the details on this latest LibreELEC release, the latest in a line of updates for what is a popular Kodi distribution for the Linux platform, described as having “just enough OS” for Kodi.
You can now download Kodi 17.4 IPA of final version and install on iOS 10 or iOS 11 iPhone or iPad. No jailbreak is required for this to work.
Kodi 17.4 RC1 download of Android APK, iOS IPA and for all other platforms available officially, complete with changes being detailed. Here’s what you need to know.
You can download Kodi 17.4 RC1 (Release Candidate 1) APK for Android and DMG for Mac devices. Here are the details.