iOS 13 / 13.1 GM Download Expected Released Date For iPhone And iPad

Here is iOS 13 and iOS 13.1 download and expected release date info that you as an iPhone or iPad user needs to know about.

The world is on tenterhooks for Apple’s 2019 ‘By Innovation Only’ event which is all set to take place tomorrow. We have a fairly good idea of what is going to be announced and one of the things that will definitely come out of tomorrows gathering is the release of an iOS 13/iPadOS 13 or iOS 13.1/iPadOS 13.1 Golden Master (GM) seed.

Developers and public testers interested in the progression of iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 will already be well aware that both platforms have been extensively tested over the last three months.

The initial seeds of both – which were released into the development community immediately after the opening WWDC keynote – have been followed by multiple releases during June, July, and August, and have put Apple right where it needs to be for an official GM seed immediately after tomorrow’s event comes to a close, that is September 10.

Like the initial pre-release seeds, the GM seed will be available to developers and those who have a Beta Configuration Profile installed on their iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch hardware. It is also worth noting and reiterating that this GM is definitely not guaranteed to be Apple’s full and final public release but history has also shown us that Apple tends to go to market in the first instance with exactly the same build number as what was released as the Golden Master. So, with history in mind, the GM that we receive tomorrow is very likely to be the same build that gets issued as iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 version 1 later this month.

It’s also not as yet clear whether Apple will release iOS 13.0 as GM or 13.1 as GM as 13.0 has had 8 beta seeds before Apple stopped seeding it and started pushing 13.1 betas instead.

We will, of course, make a song and dance about the iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 GM builds when they are officially announced by Apple and when the download links are in place. If anything huge is discovered in those builds, such as a major security hole or vulnerability, Apple will need to put necessary fixes in place before releasing to the public. If not, then it seems that all of the company’s ducks are in a row, so-to-speak and that everything is on track for a seamless release later this month.

Are you looking forward to getting the final version of iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 onto your devices or are you going to sit pretty on iOS 12.4 and wait for some jailbreak-news before updating?

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