How To Enable WhatsApp Voice Calling On iPhone

Here’s how to enable WhatsApp voice calling (VoIP) on iPhone right away without much hassle. More details can be found right after the jump.

UPDATE: WhatsApp Voice Calling on iPhone is now available in the official App Store version of the app which has been released recently, though the feature is not enabled for all users yet. If you use the App Store version, you can enable voice calling by asking someone with this feature enabled to give you a call, as also explained in the Step 3 below. For more info on the official release, check out detailed article here:

With more than a few companies vying to become the de facto standard for instant messaging and VoIP calling on mobile, WhatsApp arguably has the messaging part sewn up, especially in Europe. But lately, the company has submerged its feet in the voice calling arena, with Android users being the first one to receive said feature. If you are on Android, here’s how to enable it: How to enable WhatsApp Voice Calling on Android.


WhatsApp recently added a ‘Call’ button to its iOS app on App Store but did not activate it. The calling feature is however available to some on the company’s beta program, and getting in on the action is an easy feat.

Installing the latest WhatsApp beta is a piece of cake, as we mentioned above, so follow our step-by-step written below to get up and running:

Step 1: First and foremost, your iPhone needs to be jailbroken. If you’re running the latest release of iOS – which is iOS 8.2 – then you’re out of luck, until or unless you happen to be running iOS 8.2 beta 2, which is jailbreakable using TaiG. If you’re running iOS 8.1.2 or earlier, then follow our jailbreak guides at the foot of this post.

Step 2: Once you’re jailbroken, you need to download and install the latest beta release of WhatsApp from Cydia. This can be achieved by simply following our guide here: How to install WhatsApp beta on iPhone.

Step 3: Now you need to ask someone with Voice calling feature activated to give you a call back. Once he or she does, voice calling will be enabled for you as well.

Once you receive the call from the number which we’ve noted above, WhatsApp voice calling should be enabled for you. If you have friends or family members running the beta version of WhatsApp on their iPhone then you can call them too from the app and enable the feature for them.

(Source: Reddit)

For tutorials on how to jailbreak and install Cydia:

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