Here’s A Look Back At Some Of Jony Ive’s Iconic Design Creations As He Leaves Apple

Sir Jony Ive is leaving Apple, and that means the company is losing one of its most influential employees.

Ive has been with Apple a long, long time and has become an influential player. From the return of Steve Jobs in 1997, Ive was put to work on creating some of the most iconic devices of the history of the tech world.

While Ive is now leaving Apple later this year to start his own design firm, LoveFrom, he and his new outfit will continue to work with Apple. That means he won’t be working for any of Apple’s competitors which means we won’t see the next iPhone with a Huwaei logo on it.

The list of products that Apple has produced thanks to Ive’s work is almost unending, but some of the highlights are staggering. Here are just some of the biggest products Ive helped design and produce.

MessagePad 110

This was Ive’s first product as an Apple employee and while it didn’t take off the way some of the more recent launches did, the Newton line of products were undoubtedly ahead of their time and gave us a look at what the iPhone and iPad would later become.


Where things really started to take a turn for the better was the iMac. The plastic, colorful computers were so far ahead of their time the tit took time for the competition to try to copy them and even then they never really came close to creating anything anywhere near the level of whimsy the iMac was able to offer up in spades.

Power Mac G4 Cube

This was a computer that suffered from poor sales but looked amazing. A copter in a small cube was something special and was perhaps the direction the Mac was destined to go in. The Mac mini is the closest thing to the G4 Cube nowadays, with the new Mac Pro also borrowing some design cues, too.


Who can forget the iPod? Perhaps the one product that propelled Apple on its way to becoming the company it is today, the iPod changed everything. Whether you listened to music or not, you wanted one. And boy did they sell.


Apple, and Ive, were on a role. The iPhone took the boring smartphone market and made it cool. The rest, as they say, is history. But the arrival of a slab of glass rather than anything akin to a BlackBerry changed the way we thought of phones and set the template for the next ten years.

MacBook Air

There’s a reason so many notebooks around 2008 and onwards look like a wedge. It’s because the MacBook Air arrived and changed the way notebook computers looked and were made. To this day Apple continues to build notebooks that closely resemble the original MacBook Air and the product line recently received an update to make it even better.


Little more than an oversized iPhone initially, the iPad has continued to evolve. The more recent iPad Pro is the logical conclusion of the form the iPad takes and Ive was no doubt pleased to be able to remove all front-facing buttons from the device for once and for all.

Apple Watch

The Apple Watch is the smartwatch market. That’s thanks in part to Ive’s ability to make something small yet functional that also looks futuristic at the same time. And you can wear it on your wrist.

Apple Park

When Apple needed to move out of its 1 Infinite Loop home Ive set about turning his hand to designing a building. Apple Park is the result and it’s as impressive and as ambitious as any of his tech creations.

With all of this said it’s important to remember that the Apple design team consists of more than just one man. Many people worked to help create all of these products and they’ll continue to do so even in his absence. And because Ive’s LoveFrom company will still work with Apple he’ll still be involved in upcoming product designs, too.

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