iOS 10 Beta 2 On iPhone 6s: Thoughts And Impressions

As you may remember, I’m the guy here at RP that installs early beta releases of iOS on my primary phone that I use all day, every day. We’ve had this conversation before, and I am fully aware that I may be a little bit crazy for doing what I do, but thankfully, I have a couple of spare phones laying around that I can fall back onto should the need arise. So far, thankfully, it has’t. While iOS 10 beta 1 was surprisingly stable, that obviously doesn’t mean that I wasn’t eager to see what Apple would bring to the party with beta 2. Bug fixes are always welcome, and despite its ability to get through the day without turning my iPhone 6s into liquid, iOS 10 beta 1 still had its fair share of issues.


At the time of writing, Apple released iOS 10 beta 2 around 30 hours or so ago, and I’ve been using it for the majority of that time. I know you all like to hear how things are going in the world of beta releases, so I thought I’d update you on how things are going on for me running iOS 10 beta on an iPhone 6s.

In short, they’re fine.

Now I know that might sound like a cop out, but bear with me. With iOS 10 beta 1, Apple set the bar surprisingly high. It was fast, stable, and only had one or two annoyances, like Spotlight taking an age to feed back search results and the multitasking interface occasionally refusing to do anything, but this is beta life. You live with it.

Thankfully, beta 2 seems to have helped with both those issues, and it’s made some changes here and there too, as detailed in our post here: iOS 10 Beta 2 Features And Changes: Here’s What Is New.

The Today View widgets can now be found by swiping down from the top when on the Home screen, which is nice because I kept trying to get to it. Thanks Apple. There are a few aesthetic changes here and there as well such as new iconography within the AirPlay settings in Control Center, but all in all this is iOS 10 that we’ve been using for a few weeks now, but with tweaks. And that’s to be expected.

With iOS 10 Apple has a foundation with which to work, and it’s iterating as it goes. I don’t expect any big changes and I don’t expect beta 3 to do anything other than make slight visual adjustments, perhaps move a couple of things around the interface and above all else, fix bugs.

And that’s what betas are for. At a time where it gets plenty of hassle for poor software quality control, I can’t wait to see which bugs Apple kills next.

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