Anker’s mighty 4-in-1 USB-C hub is discounted today, with the price coming down to a reasonable $29.99 after applying a special discount code.
It may have had a false dawn of three, but the age of USB-C is finally upon us. Or, at least, it’s getting there. With tablets and computers starting to ship with USB-C ports only, you might find yourself in need of a little expansion. That’s where USB-C hubs come into play, because they allow users to take one USB-C port and turn it into multiple ports or, even better, multiple types of ports. The folks at Anker offer one in particular that we’re keen on, and right now it’s super cheap.
The Anker USB-C hub, which takes one USB-C port and turns it into many things, normally retails for anything up to $50, but right now you can pick one up for just $29.99 if you enter our special code at checkout. That’s a saving that’s well worth having, and it’s a USB-C hub that’s worth having, too.
When plugged into one USB-C port, this thing gives you a host of ports including two USB 3.0 ports, a 60W Power Delivery USB-C port, and a 4K HDMI port, too. All of that from a single port on your machine.
Buy: Anker USB C Hub, 4-in-1 USB C Adapter, with 4K USB C to HDMI, 2 USB 3.0 Ports, 60W Power Delivery Charging Port from Amazon: $29.99 with code AKCHUB66 | Original price: $50
We’ve long shouted from the rooftops about the accessories Anker makes, and this is another great example of a gorgeous little USB-C hub that will do a great job for a very reasonable asking price. If you need more ports, this is the hub for you.
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