As we have already reported, Spirit – the untethered userland jailbreak for iPhone 3.1.3 and iPad 3.2 has finally arrived. For the end user, Spirit looks and works very much like Geohot’s blackra1n, and is available for both Windows and Mac OS X.
iTunes 9.1, which was released a few hours ago caused syncing issues for many users (specially on Windows), who were jailbroken on iPhone 3.1.2 (tethered) using blackra1n. But now thanks to ih8sn0w, this issue can now be fixed by using BlackBreeze.
The final version of redsn0w 0.9 is now available for download. For those of you who don't know, Redsn0w is an alternative jailbreaking tool to blackra1n for both Windows and Mac. It also enables users to personalize iPhone firmwares with customized boot and recovery logos without having to use iTunes as there are no custom IPSW files involved. If other jailbreaking tools such as blackra1n, PwnageTool and sn0wbreeze didn’t work for you, you can always give redsn0w a try to see if it solves all your problems.
The final version of sn0wbreeze is now available for download. For those of you who don’t know, Sn0wbreeze is yet another jailbreaking tool like blackra1n, redsn0w and PwnageTool for iPhone and iPod touch which can be used to create custom .ipsw files. But unlike the PwnageTool, Sn0wbreeze is fully compatible to work with Windows 7/Vista and XP machines.
As we all know, Google Voice client app is currently not available for non-jailbroken iPhone users. Both GV Mobile and Voice Central clients for Google Voice were available earlier for a short period, but then they were soon removed by Apple from the App Store due to "duplicating features that the iPhone comes with (Dialer, SMS, etc)". Later, the developer Sean Kovacs brought GV Mobile to Cydia. Consequently, it is now available for jailbroken iPhone users (with GV accounts) for free.
We already showed you earlier on how to enable MMS and video recording on the jailbroken iPhone 3G/2G. But now with “2G/3G Video MMS Enable” app for jailbroken iPhones, you can enable video MMS functionality which is missing by default on the said models of iPhone.
Redsn0w is an alternative jailbreaking and unlocking tool to blackra1n for both Windows and Mac. In addition to the announcement of PwnageTool port for both Windows and Linux, MuscleNerd has also confirmed that iPhone Dev-Team has found the lost code of Redsn0w and that now they are going to update it to work with the latest iPhone 3.1.2 firmware.
The iPhone Dev-Team is back! and this time they have announced PwnageTool for both Windows and Linux. For those of you who don't know, PwnageTool is the infamous jailbreaking tool for Mac OS X, which can jailbreak both iPhone and iPod touch by creating a custom .ipsw file. The current version 3.1.4 of PwnageTool works with iPhone OS 3.1.2 to jailbreak the original iPhone (Edge), iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS and iPod touch (1G and 2G) running on iPhone firmware 3.1.2.
It’s Christmas time! when most of you must have got iPhone or iPod touch as your Christmas presents. We have comprehensive guides here covering Jailbreaking, Unlocking, Apps and Games reviews, other tips and tricks for both iPhone and iPod touch. I thought it was the right time to do a blog post where i collect all the popular articles, and present it to you so that you don't have to dig them on site.
Those of you who have activated your iPhone through an unauthorized carrier (aka hacktivation) on iPhone 3.x, then your Push Notification functionality in most cases will be broken. Even if you have tried getting it to work through “PushFix” via iPhoneil available in Cydia, it wont work as that fix uses a single shared certificate for all users who have installed it. This causes battery drainage and huge use of cellular data access.