Nexus One Animated Wallpapers on Motorola Droid with Android 2.1

Animated Wallpaper on Droid

You can see the live animated wallpapers in action on Droid with Android 2.1 ROM in the video embedded below.

Installation instructions are as follows. Follow them at your own risk. You’ll need to first root your Motorola Droid before you follow the instructions below. You can follow out step by step guide posted here on How-to: Root your Motorola Droid on Android 2.1 if you haven't already.

Step 1: Download the two zip files here and here this zip file, it contains the necessary lib, and the live wallpaper files.

Step 2: Unzip these files and place on your SDCARD. (I created 2 folders one named libs and the other app). You need to place the four Live wallpaper files in the app folder and the lib files need to be in the lib folder.

Step 3: Restart your phone in the recover console.

Step 4: Select mount sub-menu.

Step 5: Mount sdcard and system.

Step 6: Type busybox cp /sdcard/libs/* /system/lib

Step 7: Type busybox cp /sdcard/app/* /system/app

Step 8: Unmount both sdcard and system.

Step 9: Finally, Restart your phone.

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The upcoming Google Nexus One phone with Android 2.1 has this built-in feature with which you can set animated wallpaper as your background just like how you can do on HTC HD2 with HTC Sense. Since Android 2.1 has now been ported over to Droid, it is now possible to run animated wallpapers. Thanks to the folks over at DroidForums who have posted a hack to enable this feature on Motorola Droid, running Android 2.1 ROM.

You can see the live animated wallpapers in action on Droid with Android 2.1 ROM in the video embedded below.

Installation instructions are as follows. Follow them at your own risk. You’ll need to first root your Motorola Droid before you follow the instructions below. You can follow out step by step guide posted here on How-to: Root your Motorola Droid on Android 2.1 if you haven’t already.

Step 1: Download the two zip files here and here this zip file, it contains the necessary lib, and the live wallpaper files.

Step 2: Unzip these files and place on your SDCARD. (I created 2 folders one named libs and the other app). You need to place the four Live wallpaper files in the app folder and the lib files need to be in the lib folder.

Step 3: Restart your phone in the recover console.

Step 4: Select mount sub-menu.

Step 5: Mount sdcard and system.

Step 6: Type busybox cp /sdcard/libs/* /system/lib

Step 7: Type busybox cp /sdcard/app/* /system/app

Step 8: Unmount both sdcard and system.

Step 9: Finally, Restart your phone.

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