Skype Qik Video Messaging App For iOS, Android, Windows Phone Released, Download It From Here

A few days back, Skype introduced some revamped features for its desktop client, with a distinct focus on improving the user’s instant messaging experience. So while Skype is busy improving the users’ experience on both, the mobile and desktop version of its app, let us introduce you to Skype Qik. Taking a distinctly different route than Skype, Skype Qik is built for asynchronous video messaging, where you create and share video messages with online and offline users. The app gives you a slight peek into what Skype may have looked like had it started out as an app for the mobile.

To some of you familiar with the world of IM, Qik was a mobile video startup that Skype acquired in 2011. Qik focused on live video streaming, and even though some of Qik’s team has been working on the Skype Qik project, the technology route is different, with the later targeting the video voicemail like experience.

According to Chastney – the Principal Program Manager Lead at Skype, more than half of Skype’s new users are connected on mobile on a daily basis, and mobile technologies have made communication more fluid. Users do not have to wait for scheduled live calls, where video messaging is taking its cue from IM or a more curse example, will be the SMS.


Using the app is quite straight forward, with an easy enough interface for anyone. There’s that Big Red button that Dee Dee always wanted to press, and it’s obvious what it does. Recorded messages can be sent to non-app users as an SMS, where a download link for the app will be sent, when logged in, the user will be able to see your video message.


Video responses can be seen in a chronological fashion, wrapped up in circular frames. The UI is not cluttered at all with all functions displayed boldly enough. The app allows you to record 5 second videos as presets for responding when you find yourself unable to record a new one. A pretty handy feature indeed.


Akin to the now infamous Snapchat, Skype Qik brings forth the ephemeral of disappearing messages, but here, the videos disappear after two weeks. However, a user can delete the video as and when chosen, which will remove the video from everyone else’s phone as well.

Skype Qik seems to have started out well enough, but it has to compete in a crowded messaging market, so it will be interesting to see where the users end up leaning.

Have you tried Skype Qik yet? Let us know what you think about it, in the comments section below!

(Download: Skype Qik for iPhone, Android, Windows Phone)

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