PowerIcons Gives Quick Springboard Access To System Options [Cydia Tweak]


One prime example of a feature that should probably be present, is an easy way to restart your iDevice. Now granted, most people may not have to restart their iPhone, iPad or iPod touch unless they are restoring or updating their system software, but those of us who like to tweak and fiddle our iDevices to within an inch of their lives, tend to need to restart more often than the average punter.

This is where PowerIcons comes into its own.

Available now, and free from the Cydia app store under the BigBoss repo, PowerIcons adds four useful icons to your jailbroken spring board - Reboot, Respring, Safe-Mode and Shutdown. Tapping the icon does pretty much what you'd expect.

PowerIcons allows you, to Reboot you device, Respring your device, Insert you device into safe-mode and shutdown the device, by just tapping on an icon.

After the install will be added four icons, each icon is for each action

There are no options to configure.

It doesn't really get a great deal more simple than that, and pressing any of those four buttons is no doubt quicker than the customary holding of the power button for a few seconds, before sliding to power off.

If you're the kind of person that is always tweaking, installing and uninstalling via Cydia, then the chances are that PowerIcons will save you quite a bit of time over the life of your jailbreak.

Just don't get to used to it and expect it to be present on every iPod touch, iPhone or iPad you use!

Obviously you'll be needing to jailbreak your device in order for this tweak to work.

You can follow our step by step guide posted here to jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch on iOS 4.3.5 using Redsn0w (or PwnageTool). For jailbreaking iOS 5 tethered using Redsn0w, you can follow our complete step by step guide posted here, or here if you want to use Sn0wbreeze on Windows.

Have fun, and good luck!

Check out our iPhone Apps Gallery and iPad Apps Gallery to explore more apps for your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

You can follow us on Twitter or join our Facebook fanpage to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google and Apple.

While Apple is admittedly adding new features, and tweaking old ones as it goes about its business of bumping the old iOS revision numbers, there are still one or two things that are AWOL.

One prime example of a feature that should probably be present, is an easy way to restart your iDevice. Now granted, most people may not have to restart their iPhone, iPad or iPod touch unless they are restoring or updating their system software, but those of us who like to tweak and fiddle our iDevices to within an inch of their lives, tend to need to restart more often than the average punter.

This is where PowerIcons comes into its own.

Available now, and free from the Cydia app store under the BigBoss repo, PowerIcons adds four useful icons to your jailbroken spring board – Reboot, Respring, Safe-Mode and Shutdown. Tapping the icon does pretty much what you’d expect.

PowerIcons allows you, to Reboot you device, Respring your device, Insert you device into safe-mode and shutdown the device, by just tapping on an icon.

After the install will be added four icons, each icon is for each action

There are no options to configure.

It doesn’t really get a great deal more simple than that, and pressing any of those four buttons is no doubt quicker than the customary holding of the power button for a few seconds, before sliding to power off.

If you’re the kind of person that is always tweaking, installing and uninstalling via Cydia, then the chances are that PowerIcons will save you quite a bit of time over the life of your jailbreak.

Just don’t get to used to it and expect it to be present on every iPod touch, iPhone or iPad you use!

Obviously you’ll be needing to jailbreak your device in order for this tweak to work.

You can follow our step by step guide posted here to jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch on iOS 4.3.5 using Redsn0w (or PwnageTool). For jailbreaking iOS 5 tethered using Redsn0w, you can follow our complete step by step guide posted here, or here if you want to use Sn0wbreeze on Windows.

Have fun, and good luck!

Check out our iPhone Apps Gallery and iPad Apps Gallery to explore more apps for your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

You can follow us on Twitter or join our Facebook fanpage to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google and Apple.