Pokemon Go++ 1.23.1 / 0.53.1 Hack Released, Download It From Here

The latest Pokemon Go++ 1.23.1 / 0.53.1 hack is now out and available to download for all individuals running the game on a compatible iOS or Android device.

For anyone with experience of the modified Pokemon Go experience, they will already know that Pokemon Go++ instantly brings a whole new level of versatility and power to Trainers. In short, the title is a modified version of the original experience, and is therefore charged with bringing new feature and functionality into the world of Pokemon Go, but is also blessed by the fact that each iteration also bundles in all of the original features and upgrades added in an official capacity by Niantic Labs.


This latest version, which bundles in the latest features introduced in version 1.23.1 for iOS and 0.53.1 for Android, is no different, and looks to augment the original game with a set of new powerful improvements and enhancements. Any hardcore Trainers who access the game regularly will already be well aware that Niantic updated the game just yesterday with yet more improvements and fixes that continue to prove that the game simply will not be abandoned now that it has a loyal user base and is generating serious revenue for the business.

The goal initially, and appears still to be, to continue pushing the game forward, introducing new features, and capturing new gamers along with retaining the loyal following that it already has.

Niantic won’t exactly be thankful for the Pokemon Go++ experience, but given how popular it is, and how many downloads each version receives, it’s not difficult to work out that a lot of Pokemon Go gamers actually stick around and continue to play the game on the basis that this enhanced version will be updated and released alongside each major improvement that Niantic pushes out.

So for those that do love the Pokemon Go++ experience, the latest version is available right now with added Apple Watch functionality and bug and text improvements throughout.

If you happen to have an Android device, then you can follow our previous guide on the installation of Pokemon Go++, as long as you are running the latest version that is 0.53.1 from the Play Store and have a compatible device. iOS owners can download the hacked IPA file of version 1.23.1 from here, and then follow our iOS-based installation guide here.

Update x1: PokemonGo++_1.23.1_2.0r-06.ipa link has been added. Completely missed it when the post was published and can completely understand the anger in the comments below. I regret and apologize for the error and inconvenience caused.

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