Apple iPad Now Selling Directly From Verizon and AT&T

Verizon iPad

Verizon will sell the WiFi-only iPad along with a free contract-less Mobile Internet MiFi device ($20 for 1GB | $35 for 3GB | $50 for 5GB). Whereas AT&T will sell a WiFi+3G iPad ($15 for 250MB | $25 for 2GB + free access to AT&T’s 23K+ WiFi hotspots spread in USA).

If you haven’t bought an iPad yet and are considering getting it now, I personally suggest you go for the AT&T iPad. It offers more value per GB and gives you access to AT&T’s free hotspots. Verizon’s deal means you’ll have to carry the MiFi device everywhere which, for your kind information, lasts only 5-6 hours compared with iPad’s 10hr+ battery time.

But that besides the point. This is the Apple iPad coming to Verizon. Could this precede the Verizon iPhone 5?

For further details, visit Verizon / AT&T’s official iPad web page.

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We reported recently of the iPad coming to Verizon. Well, starting from today, Verizon Wireless and AT&T will sell the iPad directly from their stores. The iPad will be sold in three different packages starting from $629 and going up to $829.

Verizon will sell the WiFi-only iPad along with a free contract-less Mobile Internet MiFi device ($20 for 1GB | $35 for 3GB | $50 for 5GB). Whereas AT&T will sell a WiFi+3G iPad ($15 for 250MB | $25 for 2GB + free access to AT&T’s 23K+ WiFi hotspots spread in USA).

If you haven’t bought an iPad yet and are considering getting it now, I personally suggest you go for the AT&T iPad. It offers more value per GB and gives you access to AT&T’s free hotspots. Verizon’s deal means you’ll have to carry the MiFi device everywhere which, for your kind information, lasts only 5-6 hours compared with iPad’s 10hr+ battery time.

But that besides the point. This is the Apple iPad coming to Verizon. Could this precede the Verizon iPhone 5?

For further details, visit Verizon / AT&T’s official iPad web page.

You can follow me on Twitter or join our Facebook fanpage to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google and Apple.