The Nine Biggest Differences Between Apple And Microsoft Fans

The iOS vs. Android debate has been the rage for quite some time now in this world of mobile technology. And on top of that, Apple vs. Samsung lawsuits are hardly surprising anymore today. However, that said, Apple has been around way longer than Google has, and so has Microsoft. The rivalry between Apple and Microsoft is one based primarily on the computer generation, starting from the earliest days of the desktop. To this age, the OS X vs. Windows debate carries on, where PC users are corporate drones, and Mac users are well, blinded by brand. To their defense, PC users are a more intelligent breed while their Mac counterparts are creative thinkers with a taste for aesthetics. What does this speak about the general users of these brands? Are these consumers really that different from one another or is this where the dissimilarities end? We find out, right after the jump!

According to the folks over at Business Insider, who turned to Ranker for a detailed infographic, and after 20 million data correlations they managed to identify Apple and Microsoft fans using a positive interaction on the rankings based on things like, best companies, brands, TV shows, candy etc. You can check out the infographic below which shows how the tastes of Apple and Microsoft users differ and where.

Personally, I use a PC, not because I believe I’m more tech savvy, but because every now and then, I like having the option to upgrade my GPU and have a go at some good ol’ video games. Similarly, unlike most members of my team, I am an Android user and have been for quite a while now. Eerily, as Ranker says, Anne Hathaway does ‘tickle me fancy’.

It will be interesting to see what similarities, or for that matter, dissimilarities can be found amongst users of iOS and Android. The consumer based competition here, is based on the same founding opinions of the Apple vs. Microsoft scenario, but unlike PC, Android users have fallen into the whole brand preference dilemma as well. It will be interesting to see how these differences reflect on general consumer preferences as iOS and Android users.

Let us know what you think about this data from Ranker, and if you’re a PC or a Mac user.

(via: BusinessInsider)

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