Steve Jobs Iconic Stanford Speech Is Hidden Inside OS X, Here’s How To Access It

I love Easter Eggs, and no, not the real ones – the ones that software developers and tech companies hide inside their products for us to find, revealing little tidbits that don’t add anything to the functionality of the device at all, but make using it all the more fun. Google’s been doing it for quite a while; game developers do it even more frequently. Today, we’ve stumbled across an Easter egg hidden inside our very own Mac, and it’s very very simple to reveal.

The Easter Egg basically consists of Steve Jobs’ famous 2005 commencement speech delivered at the Stanford University, contained in text form in its entirety. The speech is quite easy to uncover, and is basically a part of the Pages app rather than stored natively inside OS X.

To reveal it, all you need to do is navigate to the following path in Finder (this is assuming that you have the Pages app from Apple installed, which is free with any new Mac purchase)


Should you have trouble going inside the contents of the Pages app, you can simply use the Command + Shift + G combination in Finder and paste the path there directly to utilize the Go To Folder feature. Then, locate the file called Apple.txt, and that’s where you’ll find Steve Jobs’ complete speech from 2005. Pretty neat eh?

By the way, in case you haven’t read or heard this speech, you probably should – it’s one of the best speeches ever made, not just by Jobs, but by anyone for that matter. And trust me when I say it, it’s not Apple fan boy-ism speaking here. For your viewing pleasure, we’ve embedded the speech below:

Easter Eggs like these, as I said earlier as well, don’t change anything about the way you use your device. They don’t really make any difference at all. But they’re fun to discover, and they relive the old treasure hunter feelings in us from the golden childhood days. With this one, you get a pretty inspirational speech instead of, say, an image of Jobs, so I’d call it a pretty good bargain.

Check it out on your Mac, and do share your thoughts with us about it in the comments section below.

Thanks, Paul for sending this in!

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