Steve Jobs’ Ex-Girlfriend Writes About Her Relationship With The Man Himself


You’ve know you’ve made it when you get a book written about you. You know you’ve really made it when someone writes a book about being your girlfriend.

Admittedly, we’re oversimplifying things there somewhat, but when the subtitle of your book is ‘A memoir of my life with Steve Jobs,’ it’s safe to say that you’re kind of hoping people will buy it to read about the man on the front cover, and not you. Still, that hasn’t stopped Jobs’ former girlfriend and the mother of his first child Chrisann Brennan from writing a book on her dealings with the Apple co-founder during his early years. Jobs famously denied being the father of Brennan’s daughter, despite a paternity test proving that he was. It’s safe to say that the book doesn’t paint Jobs in an altogether warm and glowing light.

The book, now available for pre-order from Amazon, takes us through the life of Jobs and Brennan during the 70s, a period of time which saw Apple rise to the upper echelons of the technology scene, and Jobs along with it. According to Brennan, all the trappings of money and to some extent fame didn’t help make the man less polarizing and in fact he managed to get worse. Brennan claims that the power simply made Jobs “plain vicious.”

This mean streak stretched as far as intimidating waiting staff at Jobs’ favorite eatery, where he would order the same meal each night only to complain about it repeatedly.

Steve would order the same meal night after night, yet he’d complain bitterly each evening about the little side sauces that were served with it, cutting the air with disdain for the waitstaff who would serve up such greasy-salty-tasteless-mock-fine cuisine. He seemed to assume that everyone at the restaurant should know better than to serve up such wallpaper paste — not only to him, but at all. Steve would run down the waitstaff like a demon, detailing the finer points of good service, which included the notion that “they should be seen only when he needed them.”

Steve was uncontrollably critical. His reactions had a Tourette’s quality — as if he couldn’t stop himself.

Given what we already know about Steve Jobs, that sounds entirely plausible!

Whether the book is worth picking up from an Apple point of view is debatable, but if you’re a fan sticking the knife in 40-years late while trying to make some money out of it, then this might be right up your street.

(via: NYPost)

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