Microsoft Announces Xbox 360 Essentials Pack, Full Details Here


Now that we are nearly into the last quarter of the calendar year, it means that the holiday season is officially coming and we need to be thinking about getting into that gift purchasing overdrive mode that sees us spend our hard earned money on friends, family and loved ones. Alternatively, we could just see it as an excuse to go out and buy ourselves all the great things that we want and blame it on holiday madness. I know which one I’d prefer.

Regardless of whether you intend to furnish yourself with gifts this year, or purchase something for the gaming geek in your life then Microsoft may just have the perfect item for you that is due to hit shelves in October, just in time for the giving season of goodwill. The Redmond company is obviously hoping that this year will see a number of Xbox 360 consoles being purchased as gifts as they have announced a new Xbox 360 Essentials Pack that houses all of the essential 360 console items in one handy little bundle. Rather than purchasing the console and then have to weigh up the cost of any additional accessories or shop about for the best price individually, Microsoft has taken the hassle out of it and slapped what they think we need into a lovely little $79.99 pack.

The bundle itself contains all of the gear they think you need to get started with taking your gaming experiences online against friends and players from all over the world, as well as getting the most out of the possibilities that the Xbox console provides through accessing high-definition entertainment online. The 360 Essentials Pack contains one Wireless Xbox Controller, a handy little Media Remote so that users don’t need to fiddle with the controller when trying to watch video content, a high-speed HDMI cable and three months access to an Xbox LIVE Gold membership. Not a bad little bundle for the price and should save purchasers around $55 when compared against average individual purchases of the same items.

Chances are, if you are the type of shopper who regularly hunts out the best deals either online or on the high street then you could probably pick these items up individually for roughly the same price or even cheaper in some cases, but for a lot of people, the convenience of having it all in once pack is worth the risk of spending a few extra dollars. The Essentials pack will be officially available in October of this year.

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