iPad Mini Will Compete With Nexus 7, To Cost $249-$299 [REPORT]

That very display size has apparently been confirmed, as per a report over at SlashGear, while Sharp is said to be the main supplier of the panel, which will incorporate its IGZO technology, offering better response rates pixel density.

Chins are wagging throughout the technology industry, but at $249 for presumably the base model, Apple's profit margin would be considerably cut. Then again, such a low price means more App and iTunes Store consumers, and with the Cupertino taking almost a third of the return on all apps, music, games etc. sold, the long-term benefits of selling a half-price iPad are clear for everyone to see.

The iPad Mini has been one of the most divisive topics of the last few years, and despite rumors flying around left, right, and center, I cannot personally see it releasing. Apple has been notoriously stubborn when it comes to product price points, and with the iPad still dominating on all fronts, there's no reason for the Cupertino to suspect the Nexus 7 et al will cause a great deal of fuss, despite boasting considerable power.

Then again, as already pointed out, increasing the iTunes Store consumer base - which already boasts hundreds of millions of credit card-enabled accounts - would certainly work in the favor of Tim Cook's company moving forward.

I would love to hear what you, our readers, make of the iPad Mini. Do you believe it's a foregone conclusion releasing to curb the likes of the Nexus 7? Or is it simply an out-of-hand rumor that'll never actually see the light of day?

Please do share your thoughts with us via the usual mediums below.

You can follow us on Twitter, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google, Apple and the web.

All talk of the purported iPad Mini has been relatively quiet during the past month or two, but with Google announcing its Nexus 7 tablet at the I/O fanfare last week, more information appears to be surfacing with regards to how Apple plans to tackle the very powerful, inexpensive device.

Originally, it wasn’t thought Apple would break from its current form factor of a 9.7-inch screen and premium price bracket, but if a notion is repeated enough times, through a variety of sources, it does eventually begin to sound plausible, as has happened with the supposed 7.85-inch iPad, otherwise referred to as the "iPad Mini."

That very display size has apparently been confirmed, as per a report over at SlashGear, while Sharp is said to be the main supplier of the panel, which will incorporate its IGZO technology, offering better response rates pixel density.

Chins are wagging throughout the technology industry, but at $249 for presumably the base model, Apple’s profit margin would be considerably cut. Then again, such a low price means more App and iTunes Store consumers, and with the Cupertino taking almost a third of the return on all apps, music, games etc. sold, the long-term benefits of selling a half-price iPad are clear for everyone to see.

The iPad Mini has been one of the most divisive topics of the last few years, and despite rumors flying around left, right, and center, I cannot personally see it releasing. Apple has been notoriously stubborn when it comes to product price points, and with the iPad still dominating on all fronts, there’s no reason for the Cupertino to suspect the Nexus 7 et al will cause a great deal of fuss, despite boasting considerable power.

Then again, as already pointed out, increasing the iTunes Store consumer base – which already boasts hundreds of millions of credit card-enabled accounts – would certainly work in the favor of Tim Cook’s company moving forward.

I would love to hear what you, our readers, make of the iPad Mini. Do you believe it’s a foregone conclusion releasing to curb the likes of the Nexus 7? Or is it simply an out-of-hand rumor that’ll never actually see the light of day?

Please do share your thoughts with us via the usual mediums below.

You can follow us on Twitter, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google, Apple and the web.