How To Check / Verify If Your SHSH2 Blobs Are Valid The Easy Way

There has been something of a drama in the jailbreak community and it surrounds the use of SHSH2 blobs. As you already know, SHSH2 blobs are needed in order to allow an iOS device to be rolled back to an earlier version of iOS that isn’t currently being signed by Apple. This, in turn, allows users of iPhones and iPads to get their devices back into a state where they can be jailbroken should they end up on a version of iOS that cannot.

When Apple stops signing iOS versions, they can’t be installed – unless you have those SHSH2 blobs – and even then it has all sorts of limitations as we have explained in our earlier posts on Prometheus.


This is where things start to get complicated, though. The developer behind the popular Prometheus downgrade suite, tihmstar, recently confirmed that previous versions of his tool incorrectly saved those all-important blobs. The issue itself was fixed in a new update to the tool, and the developer also added the ability to check whether blobs saved were faulty or not in another tool called img4tool. Unfortunately, that tool isn’t the easiest thing in the world to operate. And that’s where 1Conan’s online alternative dubbed TSS Saver comes in.

Enter an updated iOS 10 SHSH2 blobs checker that makes it about as easy as can be to check existing blobs to ensure they’re good to go.

Here’s what you need to do to make sure that your SHSH2 blobs saved are valid:

Step 1: Open this link in your browser:

Step 2: Hit the Choose File / Open File button and select your blob.

Step 3: Select your device’s type and model under Identifier, then select the blob’s iOS Version. Note that for iOS 10.1.1, you will have to enter the blob’s Build ID.

Step 4: Verify the reCAPTCHA and hit Submit.

Step 5: Check if your Board Configuration is correct and the rosi tag is true. If so, your blobs are valid.

Now wasn’t that nice and easy? Here’s to hoping your blobs are fine – nobody likes to be without their jailbreak!

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