Here’s Why You Should Occasionally Clean The Inside Of Your iPhone Case [Photo]

Using a case with your smartphone is all well and good, mainly because it should help to protect your pride and joy from any unsightly bumps and scrapes during the course of its working life. If you choose the right one it might even keep your phone safe from some more severe treatment, but the thing about keeping phones in cases is that we rarely take them out, if at all.

When you finally do take it out, it’s usually collected a year or two’s worth of dust, grime and general nastiness underneath the rim of the case and, if we’re honest, probably a good few germs too.

This has never been illustrated more clearly than in an image posted to Reddit of what appears to be an iPhone 4 or iPhone 4s after its case was removed. The photo speaks for itself to say the least, and it’s a timely reminder that if you do have a case on your beloved smartphone – or indeed tablet, for that matter – it’s always worth whipping it off and giving both it and the device it protects a damn good clean. Remember, just because you can’t see dirt doesn’t mean that it’s not there. Dirt has a great property of sneaking into places where you can’t even imagine, even behind camera lenses.

When you do clean your cases and technology though, be sure not to use anything too harsh on it. Nothing with alcohol should touch them, and for the love of all that is holy just remember to keep them relatively dry. Unless you’ve got one of those fancy waterproof phones, that is. Even then we wouldn’t want to be dipping it into a bowl of soapy water!

Here’s what Apple officially recommends us to do if we do plan on cleaning our devices:

    • Use only a soft, lint-free cloth. Abrasive cloths, towels, paper towels, and similar items may cause damage to the item.
    • Disconnect your Apple product from any external power sources.
    • Disconnect any external devices and other cabling from the product.Keep liquids away from the product.
    • Don’t get moisture into any openings, and don’t use aerosol sprays, solvents, or abrasives.
    • Do not spray cleaners directly onto the item.

Remember folks, cleanliness is next to godliness. Apparently.

So the point to take home is that; just don’t leave your smartphone or tablet in a case forever. Otherwise what you see above could happen to your cherished device. And you don’t want that to happen at all.

(Source: Reddit)

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