Keeping up on the jailbreak coverage is something we strive towards here at Redmond Pie, and in light of the recent release of iOS 6.1 beta 3 to developers, we've got the low-down on how you can jailbreak this latest firmware preview. Of course, it's a tethered jailbreak for Pre-A5 based devices, so if you're rocking a brand new iPhone 5, an iPhone 4S, iPad 2/3/4, iPod touch 5th-gen or iPad mini, you unfortunately won't be able to enjoy the perks of the jailbreak, laid on - as ever - by the iPhone Dev Team's Redsn0w tool. If, however, your device is susceptible to the Limera1in exploit (basically any device I didn't mention above that isn't completely antiquated), then you can enjoy a tethered break right now - details after the jump.
Apple has kept the developer betas of iOS 6.1 coming in thick and fast, and with iOS 6.1 beta 2 having just been seeded by the Cupertino company, we're here with the usual jailbreaking details. It is - as ever - a tethered break, and it'll only work with iOS devices susceptible to the Limera1n exploit, so those running A4 or earlier. If you own an iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPad 3/4 or iPad mini, or a fifth-gen iPod touch, you won't be able to participate, since none of them can be jailbroken on iOS 6. If you're rocking an iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, or iPod touch 4th-gen and wish to jailbreak on the latest dev beta, you can do so with ease.