In continuation of its Droid Does advertising campaign from last month, Verizon in pursuance of anti Apple campaign, has launched yet another ad war against iPhone, which is totally Droid centric, but this time a little personal on Steve Jobs as well. Although the ad is Droid specific, it fails to express or tell any strength or specialty of Droid feature wise, and is rather totally focused on highlighting and targeting the weakness of iPhone. Shown below is a page printed in the recent edition of Sports Illustrated magazine with the following text.
Following in the footsteps of Microsoft and Apple, Yahoo! today has launched its new advertising campaign, promoting “Yahoo!” as a brand through its new US $100 million dollar “Anthem” ad campaign. The new ad which is of a minute in duration covers people from all over the world, giving nice glimpses of their lifestyles, cultures and emphasizes on the word “You” a lot.
Microsoft today has unveiled the second installment in the ongoing “Laptop Hunters” Ad series. This Ad feature another shopper named Giampaolo who wanders around a market as he makes his decision to buy a PC over a Mac.