Windows 10 Has New Emoji Characters, Including One For Middle Finger

Microsoft’s Windows 10 is eagerly anticipated for a number of reasons, and while there’s a sense that the software giant has something to prove after Windows 8, the Office maker is going above and beyond the call of duty. Allied to the broad spectrum of features and products arriving this year from Microsoft, it has now been revealed that Windows 10’s emoji selection includes a middle finger, complete with a variety of skin tones that let you say “go away” in perhaps the simplest and most effective manner.

Apple’s latest software updates to iOS and OS X have both brought forth a number of new emoji, and the Cupertino also has support for different skin shades. However, Microsoft is the first to permit users to give others the finger, and ranks up there with a Facebook “dislike” button among the potentially inflammatory features that, let’s face it, we’d all love to see implemented.


Google’s Android also offers more emoji options than ever before, but neither it nor Apple has been bold enough to roll with this quite offensive signal. It’s universally recognized as a show of dissent, displeasure and irreverence that, despite the negative overtones, deserves its place in the emoji world, and once Microsoft does include it among its interesting array of new emoji, one suspects that Apple and Google will likely feel brave enough to indulge as well.

There are many occasions when a middle finger would be deemed necessary, but such is the nicey-nicey nature of the emoji world, that most of these ubiquitous icons portray positive, or otherwise neutral gestures. I know I’m not alone in admitting that when a middle finger emoji is available, I’ll be using it very regularly indeed, and every conversation I hold from then on will turn into an exercise of restraint.

windows 10 mid fin emoji

As aforementioned, the middle finger isn’t Microsoft’s only new emoji, but it’s certainly the one we’re most looking forward to here, and as Windows 10 reaches the home straight before closing in on a release, we’ll keep you updated regarding any key details and revelations.

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(Source: Emojipedia)

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