The Second Bill and Seinfeld Ad from Microsoft

The second Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld Microsoft Ad is here. This video is an uncut version of the 2 part ad of which part 1 was aired on 11th September and part 2 will be aired on September 12.

It looks very different than the first one as the cast is bigger than the first ad. Bill Gates might be aiming for an Oscar to go with his philanthropy efforts, and as expected, Jerry is still in it and so are his jokes that should apparently make you go “LMAO and ROFL”. As Mary Jo Foley has put it

The bad news about the ad: Like the first Seinfeld-Gates ad, which aired a week ago, the latest Microsoft consumer-focused ad does little, if anything, to endear Microsoft or Windows to consumers.

I can’t help but agree. Either Microsoft thinks people are airheads to start adopting Vista after watching these ads. Or I’m unable to find the drain where the $300 Million budget for marketing these ads is being poured in. Opinions? Lets us know in the comments.

As for me, no thanks Microsoft. Please, get a better marketing campaign or stop marketing!